Losing My Religion
e10e12e10h10e8FGFGAmiG: | Oh Dmlife is bigger, Amit's bigger than you. And you are Dmnot me, the lengths that I will Amgo to. The distance in your Dmeyes. AmOh no, I've said too Gmmuch, I've said eCnough. That's me in the Dmcorner. That's me in the Amspot light. Losing my reDmligion. Trying to Amkeep up with you. And I Dmdon't know if I can do it. AmOh no, I've said too Gmmuch, I haven't said Cenough. I thought that I heard you Blaughing. I thought that I heard Cyou Dmsing. I Bthink I thought I saw Cyou Dmtry.C Every Dmwhisper, Every waking Amhour, I'm choosing my conDmfessions. Trying to Amkeep eye on you. Like a Dmhurt lost and blinded fool, fool. AmOh no, I've said too Gmmuch, I said eCnough. Consider Dmthis, consider this Amthe hit of the century. Consider Dmthis, the slip, that Ambrought me to my knees failed. DmWhat if all these fantasies come Amflailing around. Now I've Gmsaid - too Cmuch. I thought that I heard you Blaughing. I thought that I heard Cyou Dmsing. I Bthink I thought I saw Cyou Dmtry.C |
Mezihra/e12e12e12e10e10e10e10e8e8e8e5e5e5e5/: | FThat was just a Dmdream. FThat was just a dream. That's me in the Dmcorner. That's me in the Amspot light. Losing my reDmligion. Trying to Amkeep up with you. And I Dmdon't know if I can do it. AmOh no, I've said too Gmmuch, I haven't said Cenough. I thought that I heard you Blaughing. I thought that I heard Cyou Dmsing. I Bthink I thought I saw Cyou Dmtry. BThat was just a dream, C Dmtry, cry, why try. BThat was just a dream, Cjust a Dmdream, just a Cdream, dream. Dohra:/:e12e12e12e12e12e12e12e12:/opakovat7-krát |
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:11.159+00:00
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